Senin, 20 April 2015

The Difficulities in Learning Engglish

English is an international language that is used as a language of communication connections between all languages and countries around the world, English became the international language because of its influence British people first world war era, who once controlled a third of the world and also is the technology and more advanced civilization first advance of other nations, as well as the influence of the English nation as well which is always exploring the world and spread the ancient civilization of the language owned by the British nation so now chosen English is the language of connections between state or international language. and of course.

Today is important for us to learn English in order to keep abreast of the times that clicking the global world. and English is the second language of Indonesia.

In learning English, we learn about the structure, pronunciation, tenses and word. For those which are more difficult to learn? For me it is hard to learn is Grammar, Tenses, Listening.

Obviously with us to learn a language must relate to:
learn vocabulary in the language (Vocabulary)
manner of writing sentences of the language (grammar, tenses)
reading, listening and rewriting the language (Reading, Listening and Writing)
direct conversation (Conversation)
and I think that the difficulties in learning English is in the sentence syntax (grammar, tenses) and direct conversational English Listening (Listening).

understanding of grammar as EYD (Spelling Enhanced) in Indonesian is learn the rules of writing is good and right. in grammar, words are divided into 8 groups. namely:

Noun 1. (noun)
2. Pronoun (pronoun)
3. Adjective (adjective)
4. Verb (verb)
5. adverb (adverb)
6. Preposition (preposition)
7. Conjunction (conjunctive)
8. Interjection (interjection)


tenses is a form of the verb in grammar which shows the timing of an act or event and stage of completion.
In English tenses are classified into 16, each of which has the use and function of different.


listen directly Conversation in a foreign language was a bit difficult for me, tuh other terms such as 'ethnic Javanese' meeting 'Batak tribe' and between tribes and the other one is not going to happen communication or understand the language of each other if one of the tribes that no one wants to learn the language of another tribe or mutual learning-teaching. of course, with the unifying language or primary language is Indonesian.

difficulties in learning the language can we skip if why we've got used to, because I think that the language is practice.

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